Beer Kits

Beer Kits Mangrove Jack's

Beer Kits Mangrove Jack's

In the Malt extract brands, Mangrove Jack's is certainly one of the most innovative brands with ever-new recipes and kits with dryhopping hops and specific yeast

CRAFT SERIES PLATINUM: Mangrove Jack's Platinum hops series is a new series of recipes with specific yeast and dryhopping included in the new package.

CRAFT SERIES POUCH: A step forward in the traditional beer kit.

The Craft Series Pouch are the most popular recipes well mixed with top quality malts and hops.

With its innovative packaging each of our envelopes has two sides: one side has been filled with cold with some of the best brewery extracts from Europe, the other contains a high quality yeast strain to give the desired aromas to your beer .

In some kits there are also hops for dry-hopping to give your beer an extra aroma and make it simply unique. From the light and light Pils to the dark and full-bodied Stout you can choose 13 high-quality malts and you will not regret it!

TRADITIONAL SERIES POUCH: The series of Traditional hoppers malt have a wide variety of beers, ranging from light and drinkable beers such as Lager and Pils, but also the new series on Belgian beers such as Saison, Belgian Pale Ale, Abbey ale. The yeasts are located under the envelope.
